While our returning athletes are well into their training routine, Freshers Week brought the UCD Sports Expo and the first major event of the season. The club signed up a large and enthusiastic group of new members and was awarded by UCD Sport and Bank of Ireland for their contribution to the Expo.

Captain Max Murphy awarded by Bank of Ireland Montrose Branch Manager Gavin Leech for the club’s efforts at UCD Sports Expo
At the club’s stand in the UCD Sports Hall, members answered any questions potential rowers had while the club also had Concept2 ergometers on hand for a 100m Challenge where students could test themselves against each other, with the winner taking home a limited edition O’Donovans t-shirt.
On Thursday the club went outdoors, with the 100m Challenge taking place at the main walkway between the Library and Sports Centre and the club’s Empacher 8+ was brought on campus to give students the chance to see some rowing equipment up close.
This proved a huge success and the club’s efforts impressed UCD Sport and sponsors Bank of Ireland Montrose who awarded the Boat Club and Snowsports Club prizes to recognise their contributions to the Sports Expo.