The American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said that the best thing one can do when it?s raining is to let it rain. Over the past three years UCDBC have deviated slightly from this advice, leaving the winter gloom of the Emerald Isle and venturing forth to the tranquil waters of the Guadalquivir.
The arrival of the winter training camp sees UCDBC in a stronger position than previous years. The recent national squad trials saw impressive performances by Finbar and Dave Neale, and the end of year internal erg testing saw improvements throughout all squads. Training on the water has also improved a great deal since the somewhat inchoate efforts of early months. The inter and senior squads continue to focus on consolidating the various technical styles of the squads and focusing on the minutiae of the sport, while the novices are quickly building on their understanding of the rowing stroke.
It is hoped that when UCD?s oarsmen return from Seville, they will do so well prepared for the rigours of the approaching season.